ballet class

Why Enroll Your Kids in a Modern Jive Dance Class?

Dancing does not seem to come naturally for some people. They feel awkward and shy to move to the music, although they really wish they could move around gracefully. Some say dancing is best learned during childhood so that the skill never leaves you. Most kids these days, however, are always busy with their gadgets, computers and mobile phones that they become hesitant to try out other fun physical activities.

So, this coming summer, why don’t you have your children take lessons at a dance company in Phoenix, AZ? Let them try jazz, hip-hop, ballet or even modern jive. It will be a worthwhile summer activity and a great exercise for the kids at the same time.

Why Modern Jive?

Modern jive is one of the easiest partner dances. It is influenced by other types of dance, such as ballroom, salsa and swing. It is less formal compared to other forms of dance, making it a good option for kids and beginners. Joining a beginner’s class takes less time to learn and only the basic dance moves are taught for easy familiarization. Here are some best reasons kids should try out a modern jive dance class this summer.

Shortening the Learning Curve

Children can start building their dance foundation with a beginner’s class. In this class, they are encouraged to make mistakes and be creative while the basics are injected bit by bit. The focus is to make dancing enjoyable and increase their confidence. A beginner’s class has a completely different dynamics compared with a formal dance class, so participants get more attention from the instructor than the usual class.

In beginner classes, the instructor gives repetition and practice exercises for building up skills and confidence in every participant. Kids will have a mix of inspiration and motivation seeing everyone learning the same basics and succeeding in doing the required moves as they progress.

With regular practice and repetition of the exercises, they improve until they get the confidence to try other movements. Being able to ace dance moves is a fun way to learn with fellow kids in these classes.

Socializing and Learning From Others

children running

Everyone at the dance class is there to learn, and while there might be others who have tried dancing before, kids can learn from them, too. When it comes to dancing, it is okay to make mistakes, but children will learn to do this gracefully. It will become unnoticeable when they are having fun and learning the ropes to become better dancers.

Like anything that comes with music and rhythm, dancing is all about having fun and developing kids’ confidence while they learn a new skill and make new friends. At this age of everything digital and virtual, parents should encourage their kids to make real connections, be more physically active and appreciate the old art of dancing. It will also help them move gracefully and become less shy when it comes to special occasions such as school events, balls and proms.

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